Sandra Henchliffe – Church Secretary
I was born and grew up in Burnley Lancashire.
At the age of eight I started to attend my local Congregational Church Sunday School and two years later I also started to attend morning services.
At the age of 22 I became a member of that church and became a deacon the fellowing year.
In October 1972 the church became part of the newly formed United Reformed Church and in November I was ordained as an elder.
I held several positions in the church, including secretary until I moved to Derby in 1999 with my late husband Clive. I then started to worship at Carlton Road URC.
In 2015 I started to feel that I needed to move to a church nearer to where I lived. We had already attended several services and events at Littleover Baptist Church where we had been made to feel welcome and part of that church, so it seemed that is where I would move to. I started attending LBC in January 2016 and became a member by transfer from the URC in June that year.
For the past few years I have served as Pulpit secretary and I have now also become Church Secretary.
Janet Aukett – Church Treasurer
I was born and grew up in Derby. Since I was a child, I attended a Baptist Church in Derby where I was in the Brownies and Guides and the Church was a great part of my life. It was there that I met my husband Danny. I was married and Baptised in 1965 by the Rev Arthur Bonser who was my mentor and friend and a great influence in my Christian life.
Danny and I spent three years living in the north of Spain. We travelled the world and had some great experiences and met some wonderful people. I enjoy Gardening and reading and have brought up three children.
We joined Littleover Baptist Church because, as we are living in Littleover we felt this church was calling us to be a part of the witness in our local area.
It is a supportive and loving church for all ages and the events I attend bring me closer to God. Now after the passing of my husband my role as a Deacon/Treasurer is to serve the church and its congregation and to support the future minister.
Hilary Robinson – Deacon
I was born and raised in Allestree and dedicated as a baby at Littleover Baptist Church as my mother was a member. As my parents didn’t have a car, I went to Sunday school at the local Methodist church until I was old enough to get the bus to Littleover. I joined the young people’s group Eccles, which met after the Sunday evening service. Through this group I was baptised at the age of 15 and later became a member at 18. My husband and I were married at this church in the eighties and our children were also dedicated here. I enjoy being on the catering and events team and socialising in all the things that Littleover Baptist Church organises. I enjoy the fellowship that you receive at Littleover; there is always someone to chat to. I will try to fulfill my duties as a Deacon to the best of my ability and give my support to any future ministers that we have.
Paul Gardner – Deacon
I first came to Littleover Baptist Church as an 11-year-old Scout. Little did I know that 13 years later I would be marrying the scout leader’s daughter at the same church. As part of my scout promise I promised to do my best to do my duty to God and the Queen. I continue to do my best for God and the members of LBC as I undertake my third period as a Deacon at the church. I only trust it is good enough for Him.
Born and bred in Derby, I was christened into the Anglican Church as a baby. I attended Sunday school and bible class at Saint Peter’s where I confirmed the promises made by my parents to serve the Lord. After our marriage we attended Queen Street Baptist Church in Ilkeston. In 1971 we moved to Thurso and became members of the Congregational Church there. I was appointed an elder in 1973, mainly because I was young and enthusiastic. That was a fun and spiritually uplifting time.
On our return to England, we looked for a church nearer Derby. We received a visit from the secretary of LBC with the message that he assumed we would be joining LBC and looking forward to seeing us on Sunday. I was accepted into membership in 1979 and am still here.
As a socialite I enjoy being on the events group which organises activities for both church and community. The Church has warm and welcoming congregation and there is always someone to chat with and receive support. I trust I shall be able to repay the faith and trust that has been shown by the members in asking me to be their servant.