For Sunday worship services, please see the Services page. During the week further church activities include:
Mondays: Brownies and Guides
Brownies is for ages 7-10 years. They meet in the Church Hall from 5:30 to 7:00pm.
Contact Christine Malcolm: camalcolm16[at]
Guides is for ages 10 and above. They meet in the Church Hall from 7:00 to 8:30pm.
The Guide Unit is currently very short of leaders. Experience is not necessary. If you are able to help, please contact Gemma or Sheila at: eighthlittleoverguides[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]uk
Tuesdays: Daniel’s Den Toddler Group
On Tuesdays during term time we run a toddler group from 9:45am to 11:15am in the Church Hall. See the Daniel’s Den page for more information.
Wednesdays: Tranquility Café
Tranquility Café runs from 10:30am to 12:00 in the Church Hall and is designed to be a community space, where all are equal and valued; a place to belong. See the Tranquility page for more information.
Thursdays: Discussion Group
The Discussion Group meets on-line at 7:30pm every Thursday on Zoom. It is a time for informal discussion (usually based on a pre-arranged topic) and prayer to encourage one another in our Christian faith.
Fridays: Rainbows
Rainbows is for ages 5-7 years and meet in the Church Hall from 5:45 to 6:45pm. Contact Sophie: Rainbows – 8thlittleover[at]outlook[dot]com
Social Events
From time to time the Church holds social events, such as meals, treasure hunts and skittles evenings. These are intended to help us to get to know each other better and provide an opportunity to welcome friends and aquaintances into the church.
Forthcoming social events are published on the Calendar page.
Littleover and Blagreaves Churches Together
Click here to learn about our co-operation with other local churches.
Hall Booking
The church hall is available for bookings; please contact Margaret Ballard, 01332 346481.
The hall has an integral kitchen and toilets. A video projector and screen are available.