Littleover Baptist Church is open for worship at 10:30 am each Sunday.
For the latest reflections from our Minister, please see “Ellie’s Blog“.
Our weekly activities are described here.
Our Tranquility Cafe is open. Read about it here.
August 16 Church Outing Details to be announced.
Our 2022 Social Events Calendar can be seen here.
Littleover Baptist Church’s YouTube Channel is still active and church services prior to August 2021 can be viewed here.
Littleover Baptist Church in Derby, UK, is a warm and welcoming community where friendships can grow as we seek to serve God together.
It is our desire to put God at the centre of our life both as a community and as individuals. We aim to honour him in all we say and do.
Through our Sunday gatherings and
mid-week activities we hope to make the Christian message accessible to everybody. We welcome families and children to our morning service with creche and junior church available (please see our
Services page for more details).
Feel free to explore our website to discover more about our church. You are more than welcome to
contact us or pop in for a visit one Sunday morning.