
The Guide Unit which meets at Littleover Baptist Church needs your help.  For family reasons, we have recently lost one of the long standing leaders and more recently another leader who has been with us for a shorter time.  It is difficult to run a unit with only 2 leaders, when one of them is sometimes away in term time.

The unit started in 1980 and we are looking for your help in finding one or two people who could help and eventually take some responsibility – it may be a neighbour or a neighbour’s family member or one of your family or just someone you know.  Experience is not necessary as we can help with all they need to know.

Please give this serious thought, as we would like to keep this unit going, and it is in danger of closing.  Please ask around; do not disregard this plea for help, by putting this note in your pocket or recycling it, as we are becoming desperate for help.

Speak to one of us if you know anyone who may give Guiding and this unit a try.  Thank you.  Gemma & Sheila

Contact: eighthlittleoverguides[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]uk